Judge Cordell, staring directly into the camera with her arms folded across her chest. She is wearing gold hoop earrings, a black turtleneck, a gold chain necklace with a small pendant hanging from it

In The News

Judge Cordell is quoted in publications, including the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, and San Jose Mercury News.

Photo credit: Linda Cicero, Stanford News Service

Screenshot: Dan Noyes, ABC7 I-TEAM

County debunks claim in Channel 7 report that defended sheriff

PALO ALTO DAILY POST, January 8, 2025: San Mateo County officials Tuesday debunked a Channel 7 story that claimed retired Judge LaDoris Cordell withheld information exonerating Sheriff Christina Corpus and former chief of staff Victor Aenlle in her report about the disarray in the sheriff’s office.

Screenshot: Dan Noyes, ABC7 I-TEAM

TIMELINE: San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office Controversies

Palo Alto Daily Post: 2018 - present

Surveillance photos, San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office, 330 Bradford St., Palo Alto CA; clockwise from bottom left: Sheriff Corpus entering the nonpublic area, followed by her puppy; Victor Aenlle's former assistant, Jackie Vargas; Mr. Aenlle, and contractor Manjit Sappal. Inset photo: Aenlle bending over, and what appears to be the imprint of a gun.

Surveillance photos, San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office

'Lies, Secrecy, Intimidation': Tracking the Mounting Crisis Engulfing San Mateo County Sheriff Christina Corpus
KQED | NPR | PBS, November 23, 2024 - TIMELINE: Judge Cordell's 408-page “independent fact-finding investigation” — on which this timeline is largely based — was commissioned by county officials in July following an “unprecedented” number of complaints about Aenlle.

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San Mateo County supervisor shares text messages alleging sheriff's use of homophobic slurs
KTVU FOX 2, November 21, 2024 - Retired Judge LaDoris Cordell: "Lies, secrecy, intimidation, retaliation, conflicts of interest, and abuses of authority are all the hallmarks of the Corpus administration. Corpus should step down and Victor Aenlle's employment with the Sheriff's Office should be terminated immediately. Nothing short of new leadership can save this organization that is in turmoil, and its personnel demoralized."

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‘Lies and abuse of power’ plague San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office, investigation finds
PALO ALTO ONLINE, November 14, 2024 - Key takeaways from Judge Cordell's 408-page report on discord and retaliation at the Sheriff’s Office.

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‘Lies, secrecy’ and Hawaii: Report details Bay Area sheriff’s alleged inappropriate relationship
SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE, November 12, 2024 -
Supervisors said the findings of the nearly 400-page report — independently conducted by retired Santa Clara Superior Court Judge LaDoris Cordell —  were “extremely concerning” and “unprecedented” in the history of San Mateo County government.

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Union leaders say sheriff’s chief of staff is creating a “culture of fear”
PALO ALTO DAILY POST, September 8, 2024 - Former Santa Clara County Judge LaDoris Cordell, who served as San Jose’s police auditor, is investigating several HR complaints… it isn’t known if or when Cordell’s report will be released. She has declined comment.

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Analysis: Trump’s inflammatory rhetoric has been effective for him so far but poses real danger 
CNN POLITICS, April 1,  2024 - 
I’ve presided over thousands of hearings and trials during my nearly 20 years as a trial judge and never did any defendants in my courtroom show such disrespect for the court system as what’s shown by Donald Trump,” retired Superior Court of California Judge LaDoris Cordell told CNN’s Omar Jimenez.  And if Trump breaks an expanded gag order,“there should be only one response: ‘Bring your toothbrush, Donald Trump, because you’re going to sit in a jail cell for a while.’ ” 

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CNN: LaDoris Cordell

VIDEO - “Judge Merchan should immediately expand the gag order,” said Cordell, March 31, 2024

If Trump breaks an expanded gag order, “there should be only one response: ‘Bring your toothbrush, Donald Trump, because you’re going to sit in a jail cell for a while.’ ” 

'Bring your toothbrush': Ex-judge puts Trump on notice that he will 'sit in a jail cell'

YAHOO/HUFFPOST: Retired Judge Spots 1 Blunt Response If Trump 'Steps Across' The 'Gag Order Line'

WASHINGTON EXAMINER: Former judge suggests Trump needs to be jailed if he breaks gag order: ‘Bring your toothbrush

In Pursuit of Harsher Punishments, San Francisco Courtwatchers Target Judges 
BOLTS MAGAZINE, February 23, 2024
“When I started as a baby judge, and I was first appointed, one of the older judges came to me and said, ‘Look, if you don’t want to get reversed in criminal cases, just throw the book at everybody,’” Cordell recalls. 

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Why does California elect local judges?  
CAL MATTERS, February 23, 2024 - Even though judicial races are nonpartisan, electing judges doesn’t entirely remove political influence. The candidates can receive campaign contributions, including from lawyers they deal with in court, as retired judge and author LaDoris Hazzard Cordell told KQED.

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Can judges endorse political candidates? Competitive Bay Area races are testing boundaries
SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE, February 13, 2024 – “I don’t think there’s any problem with a judge … quietly attending any kind of political event,” Cordell told the Chronicle. But a public endorsement — particularly of an official with cases in the judge’s court — can conflict with standards of neutrality, she said.

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The stage is set for the 13th annual concert by the African American Composer Initiative 
PALO ALTO ONLINE, January 25, 2024 – Marvin Gaye’s timeless album, "What's Going On," is an eponym for the upcoming 13th annual concert organized by the African American Composer Initiative (AACI), a group that’s on a mission to bring the work of African American composers, living and deceased, back into public consciousness.

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Hells Angels expert needed, so cop steps in.
This despite his being on leave as one of many Antioch officers named in racist texting scandal 

BAY AREA NEWS GROUP, November 15, 2023 – “I’m very concerned that we’re giving so much credibility to someone who, right now, can’t be on the force because of these very serious allegations," said LaDoris Cordell, a retired Santa Clara County judge and former San Jose independent police auditor.

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New documents raise questions about hiring of Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price’s boyfriend. The job that Antwon Cloird received was not publicly advertised, county officials say.
MERCURY NEWS, September 17, 2023 – “You can’t say ‘I’m going to be progressive and transparent and this is a new day,’ and then adopt the behavior of the very person who ran the office before, who you have slammed,” Cordell said. “And that’s what’s happened here. The county needs to have an anti-nepotism policy because everyone knows that nepotism is wrong.”

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Will a Plan to Cut SFPD Command Staff Stop 'Revolving Door' of Top Brass?
KQED, September 20, 2023 – The Blue Ribbon Panel retired Judge LaDoris Cordell served on noted that community members desired police to serve long-term assignments in a community to get to know and build trust with residents. "But it’s hard to do it in a system that says your best reward is being promoted and moving up as fast as you can," said Cordell.

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New documents raise questions about hiring of Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price’s boyfriend. The job that Antwon Cloird received was not publicly advertised, county officials say.
MERCURY NEWS, September 17, 2023 – “You can’t say ‘I’m going to be progressive and transparent and this is a new day,’ and then adopt the behavior of the very person who ran the office before, who you have slammed,” Cordell said. “And that’s what’s happened here. The county needs to have an anti-nepotism policy because everyone knows that nepotism is wrong.”

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MSNBC: LaDoris Cordell

LaDoris Cordell, retired California Superior Court judge: 

“When you’re a female judge—and also a judge of color, this combination is such that we have to make sure we are in control of the proceedings. I encourage the judge if she has to do so, and maybe she’s already done it, to have ‘The Talk’ early on.”

HUFFPOST, August 30, 2023: 
Retired Judge Reveals 'Very Simple' Way She'd Keep Trump Lawyers In Line

Trump is Chatty Charlie

“You know, he’s a ‘Chatty Charlie’ and he’s going to just talk and talk, and he really doesn’t care about rules that say you can speak or cannot speak,” said Cordell.

Photo Credit: Chatty Charlie/Hasbro; Donald Trump/Getty Images

NEWSWEEK, August 8, 2023: Former Judge Predicts a Trump Gag Order: 'This Man Cannot Shut Up'

HUFFPOST, August 8, 2023: Retired Judge Predicts What’s Next For ‘Chatty Charlie’ Trump

SALON, August 8, 2023: “This man cannot shut up”: Ex-judge warns Trump risks gag order as his judge sets speedy hearing

RAW STORY, August 7, 2023: ‘This man cannot shut up’: Ex-judge says Trump is headed towards a gag order

YAHOO, August 8, 2023: Retired Judge Predicts What’s Next For ‘Chatty Charlie’ Trump  

DA’s boyfriend got job in her office
BAY AREA NEWS GROUP | OAKLAND, August 13, 2023 – “I see so many problems with it. I see problems with conflict of interest. I see a problem with nepotism. I see a problem with lack of transparency. It’s problematic in every way I look at it,” said retired Santa Clara County Judge and former San Jose Independent Police Auditor LaDoris Cordell. “In public government, you don’t do this. There’s no way in my view to justify this.”

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They Carry Weapons. So Why Don't Security Guards Have to Get Use-of-Force Training?
KQED | NPR, June 12, 2023 – “We have this big corporation that nobody’s really looking at and saying, ‘What are you doing about this issue?’ [They know] full well that the folks that they’re bringing in are not well-trained. They’re not well-paid,” said policing expert LaDoris Cordell, a retired judge who worked as San José’s independent police auditor for five years.

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San Jose police fail to fill vacant racial equity role
SAN JOSE´ SPOTLIGHT, May 31, 2023 – LaDoris Cordell, a retired judge and former independent police auditor in San Jose, said the department needed to do more to find a diverse pool of qualified candidates, such as reaching out to organizations such as the NAACP, La Raza Roundtable de California and other organizations in San Jose run by people of color, to help spread the word about the job opening.

“This cannot be business as usual where you just post in two places,” she old San José Spotlight. “Right there in the title it says racial equity, which means we need to find people, preferably someone of color, who has background, who has perspective on issues that someone who is not of color might not have.”

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What to Read This Summer—2023. From a missing violin to a mayor’s memoir, adventure awaits, no sunblock required.
STANFORD MAGAZINE, May 31, 2023 – “[The Violin Conspiracy is a] fun read for anyone who loves classical music and also enjoys a good mystery...”–LaDoris Hazzard Cordell, JD ’74, author of Her Honor: My Life on the Bench . . . What Works, What’s Broken, and How to Change It

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Judge Cordell,

Silicon Valley Insiders and Stanford Law Professor Influence on Election to Recall Judge Persky

THE DAVIS VANGUARD, May 2, 2023 – “Wait a minute, put the brakes on here; the community, the public, the media are being misled, and those of us who know this need to speak out,” said Cordell in the documentary.

California Attorney General announces major civil rights investigation into Antioch police
EAST BAY TIMES | May 10, 2023 – Retired Santa Clara County Judge LaDoris Cordell called Bonta’s investigation “long overdue,” and called on the officers who were involved in the racist text scandal to be fired.

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San Jose police union hides web pages after scandal
San José Spotlight, April 10, 2023 – “Whoever is giving them advice that they should take down everybody’s names, take down photos, and you have to use a special password to even find out anything about the SJPOA, in my view that is a big mistake,” Cordell said. “Is this building trust? No.”

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How was San Jose police union unaware of alleged drug smuggling?
SAN JOSE´ SPOTLIGHT, April 5, 2023 – “If they want to build trust they need to say, ‘We dropped the ball, and here are the things we can do better going forward to make sure this doesn’t happen again,’” Cordell said.

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OC Superior Court: 'Justice partners to decide if a judge issuing warrants from Canada is a rule violation'
SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA RECORD, August 22, 2022 – Cordell said that Thompson is being unjustly investigated and that there is no mention of such a requirement in the Orange County Superior Court Local Rules.

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Former judicial officer: 'No rule against OC judge signing search warrants remotely while abroad'
SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA RECORD, August 12, 2022 – “In my view, this is much ado over nothing,” said Cordell who worked as a judge from 1982 to 2001 and authored a book called Her Honor. “If there were a local rule and the judge either didn't know about it or just blatantly violated it, that's something to talk about but I don't believe it furnishes a constitutional basis to say the search warrants he signed in Canada are no good.”

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Even the District Attorney Believed Joaquin Ciria Was Innocent. Why Did It Take So Long to Set Him Free?
POLITICO | LAW AND ORDER, August 8, 2022 –  A unique commission in California offers a look at what can happen when a prosecutor asks outsiders to help him right his office’s wrongs.

“I saw so much injustice when I was on the bench. And there are things judges can do to make things right, but there’s so many things we can’t because our hands are tied,” said Cordell, who was the first Black woman on the bench in northern California. “Prosecutors decide who gets charged. Prosecutors decide whether or not to dismiss charges.” Joining the commission, she said, “was a way that I, just me now, could right some wrongs that I saw.” 

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Drivers getting medical treatment don’t have to renew license photo
MERCURY NEWS | MR. ROADSHOW, August, 2022 – "Hola, Gary. I write to interest you in a new policy at the DMV that few people know about, but one that can impact thousands of Californians. Here goes: 

In February 2020, my former extern at the Superior Court, who went on to become an amazing appellate attorney in San Francisco, was being treated for an aggressive form of breast cancer. When her driver’s license expired, she had lost all of her hair, was practically bald, and understandably did not want to have her photo taken for her license renewal, a requirement at the time."

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Innocence Commission urges District Attorney to allow it to continue
MISSION LOCAL, July 13, 2022 – Interim District Attorney Brooke Jenkins previously expressed support for the commission when she served as the assistant DA to Chesa Boudin. She later quit and helped to lead a campaign to recall her former boss.

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The Innocence Commission, San Francisco City Hall, July 13, 2022. 

From left: Charlie Nelson Keever (staff assistant), Dr. Michael Meade, Jacque Wilson (SF Deputy Public Defender), Professor Lara Bazalon (Chair of the Commission), Judge LaDoris Hazzard Cordell (Ret.), and Arcelia Hurtado (SF District Attorney, Managing Attorney). Photo credit: Christine Delianne

Assisted by a full-time, grant-funded staff attorney who works under the supervision of the University of San Francisco Law School’s Racial Justice Clinic, the Innocence Commission is dedicated to protecting the integrity of our legal system by creating a process through which wrongful convictions can be identified and reversed.

The City Where Investigations of Police Take So Long, Officers Kill Again Before Reviews Are Done
PROPUBLICA and OPEN VALLEJO, July 7, 2022 – “That’s the whole purpose of having a disciplinary process in place: to assess quickly whether or not officers have engaged in misconduct, and if they’re a threat to the public, to get them removed from the department and off the streets,” said Judge LaDoris Hazzard Cordell, a former Superior Court judge for the County of Santa Clara. From 2010 to 2015, Cordell served as the independent police auditor for the city of San Jose, which created the office in 1993 following the beating of Rodney King by the Los Angeles Police Department.

“What is happening in Vallejo is quite the opposite: It's just delay, delay. And with this delay there is no justice,” Cordell said.

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LaDoris Cordell: Jackson has 'made the U.S. Supreme Court look more and more like America'
PALO ALTO WEEKLY, April 7, 2022 – Retired judge, Bay Area legislators celebrate Ketanji Brown Jackson's historic confirmation.

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Longstanding Grievances Between Prosecutor and Public Defender Boil Over in California DA Race. The election in Santa Clara County captures mounting tensions in California over what counts as meaningful criminal justice reform
BOLTS, February 10, 2022 – LaDoris Cordell, a retired state trial judge who has worked alongside Rosen and endorsed Khan, told Bolts that she finds many of Rosen’s policies inconsistent with his public persona. “You cannot claim to be a DA who cares about being progressive and oppose a bill that says you should not try 14- and 15-year-olds as adults,” she said. “They’re not compatible.” She further rebuked Rosen for a 2016 law he spearheaded that required a mandatory minimum prison sentence in cases of sexual assault of an unconscious victim. The law followed a public outcry over a judge’s perceived leniency in the case of Brock Turner, a Stanford student convicted of rape and sentenced to six months in jail followed by three years of probation. A mandatory minimum law, Cordell said, is “undoubtedly going to impact defendants of color more than it will white defendants.”

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Secret file reveals ‘cover-up of a cover-up’ in unjustified police shooting, arrest of innocent man
INSIDE INTERNAL AFFAIRS, February 10, 2022 – “This is all appalling,” said LaDoris Cordell, the retired California Superior Court judge, who reviewed internal affairs cases as San Jose’s independent police auditor from 2010 to 2015.  “I really do believe that law enforcement and prosecutors in both counties were involved in a cover-up for the purpose of protecting their officers from criminal and civil liability.” 

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Inadequate Crisis Intervention Methods Fail Asian American victims
AsAmNews, February 3, 2022 – “The primary reason that law enforcement continues to be the first responders to calls about individuals in mental health crises is the lack of resources in communities to treat those with mental illness,” [LaDoris Cordell] told AsAmNews. “In-patient facilities are far and few between and in those units that do exist, there are insufficient beds to treat the many people in need of treatment.”

Cordell cited the tragic death of Michael Tyree, a 31-year-old man who was incarcerated in a Santa Clara County jail until beds in a mental health facility became available. Tyree, who suffered from bipolar disorder and addiction, was beaten to death by three jail guards in 2015.

When asked what was preventing the creation of a national, mental health task force, Cordell said, “A national mental health task force will likely do very little to solve this problem. Police departments are not under the direction or supervision of the federal government. Any recommendations from a national task force will be just that—recommendations and not requirements.”

“Given how police unions resist all reforms, not matter how small, and given the fact that these unions create culture of policing, change will have to come from the voters who can and should put pressure on politicians to fund treatment for the mentally ill,” Cordell concluded.

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Authorities now say man police killed at SFO was carrying 2 airsoft guns. Why wasn’t that detail released earlier?
SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE, January 21, 2022 – “While the term ‘handgun’ can be defined in a number of ways, it’s misleading for police to withhold critical information about the guns — such as that they did not shoot real bullets,” said LaDoris Cordell, a retired Santa Clara County Superior Court judge and former watchdog for the San Jose police force.

“If we want to trust law enforcement, then law enforcement has to be honest, they have to be transparent, and they have to be accurate — especially when you have officer-involved shootings,” Cordell said. She added that it’s “unclear why the police department ... would go out of their way to keep this information away from the public,” even if officers did not know it at the moment the shooting occurred.” 

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Santa Clara University finds “no evidence” of bias when campus security stopped black professor
BAY AREA NEWS GROUP, August 18, 2021 – “My audit concluded with several concrete and doable recommendations to reimagine the department, in the hope that incidents like the one involving Professor Morgan will never happen again,” [retired judge LaDoris] Cordell said. “I continue to hope that my recommendations will be implemented as quickly as possible.” 

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Santa Clara County sheriff refuses to step down
SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE, August 17, 2021 –  LaDoris Cordell, a retired judge and former independent San Jose police auditor, joined the mayor’s call for Smith’s resignation during the supervisors’ hearing. Cordell delivered a stinging rebuke of Smith, saying the county should not have to put up with “ineptitude that borders on criminal indifference.”

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Santa Clara County sheriff pushes back against jail criticisms, rejects calls for resignation
BAY AREA NEWS GROUP, August 17, 2021 – Retired Judge LaDoris Cordell chaired the 2016 blue-ribbon commission behind those recommended reforms, topped by urging that the sheriff be removed from jail management. She renewed that Tuesday in calling for Smith’s resignation, calling current jail conditions a result of “ineptitude that borders on criminal indifference.”

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UPDATE: Santa Clara County pursues investigation of sheriff
SAN JOSE SPOTLIGHT, August 17, 2021 – LaDoris Cordell, former chair of the Blue Ribbon Commission in 2016 that produced recommendations for improving oversight of the county jail, said nothing has changed in the jail system. “The one thing that has changed is that under the leadership of Laurie Smith, the operation of the jails has gotten worse,” Cordell said.

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Santa Clara County supervisors want investigation into jails
KTVU’s ANN RUBIN REPORTS, August 12, 2021 – Judge LaDoris Cordell (ret.): “Unless leadership changes, there will not be a change in the jails.” 

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Jon Jacobo: Rape case could proceed, regardless of accuser’s wishes
MISSION LOCAL, August 10, 2021 – “The decision on whether to file charges is exclusively with the prosecutor — exclusively,” explained retired Superior Court Judge LaDoris Cordell. “Victims don’t file charges. And victims cannot stop prosecutors from filing charges.” 

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5 Palo Alto police officers sued over a Black Lives Matter mural. Some residents say they werent surprised
SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE, August 4, 2021 – When LaDoris Cordell was elected to the Palo Alto City Council in 2003, she began pressing for an independent police auditor, contending that the department needed more oversight. Cordell, who is Black, was troubled by what she characterized as a frequent sight: white officers standing over a Black or Latino person whom they had detained at the curb, in a city that is less than 2% Black and 6% Latino.

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Sheriff Left Civilian Jail Watchdogs in Dark After Gang Beating of Police Informant
NBC BAY AREA, August 1, 2021 – Retired Santa Clara County Judge LaDoris Cordell, who chaired the county supervisor-appointed Blue-Ribbon Commission that recommended hundreds of jail reforms after Tyree was killed, says it’s clear Sheriff Smith and jail administration still need more oversight. 

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Surgeon’s DUI Case Lingering in Court
PRESSREADER, July 28, 2021 – For former Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge Ladoris Cordell, the unusual length of the case rises to “an abuse of the criminal justice system” by a “high profile” surgeon with the money to pay for a protracted legal defense. When she reviewed the case summary, Cordell said she was “outraged” at how Mohler’s case has been allowed to hang around, calling it a “double standard.”

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‘This is freaking ridiculous’: Britney Spears inspires lawmakers to tackle toxic conservatorships
POLITICO, 07/12/2021 – “Clearly, at some point, she needed help,” LaDoris Hazzard Cordell, a retired Santa Clara County Superior Court judge, said of Spears. “But then it was like the door was open to all these money-hungry people to use her as this cash cow.”

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Santa Clara County public defender launches bid to replace three-term DA
MERCURY NEWS, July 11, 2021, SAN JOSE – Khan has already lined up notable support, including from former South Bay Congressman Mike Honda and LaDoris Cordell, a retired county judge and former San Jose police auditor.

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SF DA seeks to overturn wrongful convictions through ‘Innocence Commission’
MISSION LOCAL, September 18, 2020 – “I have dedicated my career to improving the fairness of our justice system,” Cordell said in a statement. “ I am looking forward to serving on the Innocence Commission, which will play a critical role in bolstering the integrity of our legal system by ensuring that wrongful convictions can be identified and reversed.”

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‘What is it that they’re trying to hide?’ Senator asks of police blocking release of personnel files
KTVU, February 8, 2018 – Some departments have quickly determined that they have no sustained findings in any of the categories [...]drawing criticism from some skeptics like LaDoris Cordell, a retired judge and independent police auditor for San Jose. “They just police themselves,” she said. “Of course they’re going to say, ‘We did nothing wrong.’"

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Activists Try to Recall Judge in Stanford Sex Attack Case. Some Say They’ve Gone Too Far
NEW YORK TIMES, February 2, 2018 –  [LaDoris  Cordell] said she is worried the recall effort could influence judges who might otherwise show leniency in criminal sentencing, undermining a longtime goal to decrease the prison population.

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This is what happens when a black cop calls out racism in her own department
THE UNDEFEATED, December 9, 2017 – “I have never seen so much resistance to reform in a police department as I’ve seen in San Francisco,” said LaDoris H. Cordell, a retired California Superior Court judge who has worked on police oversight cases nationwide and served on the Blue Ribbon Panel.

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Blowup over Brock Turner song
PALO ALTO DAILY POST, December 7, 2017 – “Should this recall succeed in removing a judge for making an unpopular decision, it will be harder for low-income defendants, most of whom are of color, and harder for those who advocate for them, to receive judicial consideration of mitigating circumstances,” said Cordell.

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Stanford Law Professor Under Fire After Tweeting Anti-Brock Turner Song
KPIX 5, December 7, 2017, PALO ALTO – “I find that disturbing, horrifying and so inappropriate,” said Cordell. “Clearly, she’s demonstrated some very poor judgment, but she’s not stupid. No one with even a modicum of education would read the lyrics of that song and conclude it is satire and shouldn’t be taken seriously.”

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Activists push law enforcement to stop ‘policing themselves’ and release body camera footage
KTVU 2, November 23, 2017 – “Release it to the public, let people know what’s going on,” Cordell said. “If you have nothing to hide then put the information out there.”

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Unmuzzled perspectives on human rights, law
MERCURY NEWS, March 10, 2017 – Cordell said she owes her lifelong devotion to promoting civil rights to ancestors who endured slavery and the ensuing equality challenges that afforded her opportunities.

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Inmate’s Brutal Beating Death Spurs Scrutiny and Reform in Santa Clara County Jails
KQED, January 25, 2017 – “It took [the  murder of Michael Tyree] to get things looked at the way any good leader should have looked at,” Cordell says. “There should have never been the necessity for a blue-ribbon commission if the person running the operations of the jail was truly paying attention and cared about what was going on.”

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2 Lawsuits Filed Over Fatal Police Shooting Of Homicide Suspect Last Year
SFGATE, September 21, 2016 – LaDoris Cordell filed a complaint with the city’s Independent Police Auditor's office suggesting the shifting story and misleading initial statement were a form of misconduct.

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Race, class collide in prosecuting theft of Scott Wiener’s phone
SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE, August 15, 2016 – “It is not uncommon for prosecutors to overcharge, pile on charges and then push for plea bargains, especially when it comes to black and brown defendants,” said Cordell.

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Kensington: Report shows officer improperly accessed director’s records but did not harass her
MERCURY NEWS, August 5, 2016 - Making a confidential report on allegations of police misconduct public is “very rare,” said Cordell. “This really stinks,” she said of the release. “In my view, it was clearly done to embarrass” Cordova.

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San Francisco panel report calls for increased transparency, accountability at police department
MERCURY NEWS, July 11, 2016 – Cordell singled out the San Francisco Police Officers Association for what she said were efforts to prevent officers from speaking to the panel and its insistence that any racism reflects isolated incidents and not a problem with the larger culture of the department.

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Panel Report Calls For Increased Transparency, Accountability At SFPD
SFGATE, July 11, 2016 – “The findings of this report show that for all practical purposes the San Francisco Police Department is really run by the Police Officers Association,” Cordell said. “The POA leadership sets the tone for the police department and historically it’s been an ugly one.”

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Gascón’s panel: SFPD needs more training, tracking to fight bias
SFGATE, July 11, 2016 – “This city needs positive and healing leadership,” said Cordell. “All of these 81 recommendations can be implemented, and they can be implemented in our lifetimes. All it will require is the moral and political will to do so.”

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Abolish grand juries in officer-related shootings
SFGATE, June 17, 2016 – What’s so special about a grand jury? The Fifth Amendment to the Constitution of the United State says, in part, “No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous...

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Mercury News editorial: SJPD training plan is on target
May 18, 2016 - San Francisco Police Chief Greg Suhr is on the ropes, with a department riddled with scandal over police shootings and racist texts. The situation is more the norm than an anomaly for....

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San Jose: University of Texas-El Paso center tapped to conduct SJPD analysis of stop data
MERCURY NEWS, April 22, 2016 – A Texas university will conduct an in-depth analysis of vehicle and pedestrian stop data collected by the San Jose Police Department to assess racial-profiling concerns by...

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Jail guards’ union sues Santa Clara County sheriff over text messages
MERCURY NEWS, April 19, 2016 – The union that represents guards in Santa Clara County’s troubled jails has followed through on a threat to sue Sheriff Laurie Smith, claiming she violated rules meant to...

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Editorial: Sheriff Laurie Smith should not run again
MERCURY NEWS, April 15, 2016 – Santa Clara County Sheriff Laurie Smith should announce she’s not...

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San Jose State appoints first chief diversity officer
MERCURY NEWS, April 12, 2016 – More than two years after the diverse campus was rocked by a racial bullying incident in an on-campus dormitory, San Jose State — acting on the recommendations of a special task force — has...

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Commission Presents Recommendations To Board On Improving Custody Operations
SFGATE, April 12, 2016 – She compared the jail's leadership to a plane on a long descent, crashing when Tyree was murdered. "While you might repair the jails and come up with a new and better operation, you still have a poor pilot," she said.

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Herhold: What’s the fight between Laurie Smith and LaDoris Cordell really about?
MERCURY NEWS, April 8, 2016 – Let’s state the obvious: The controversy over the Santa Clara County jails can produce a migraine more swiftly than a half-dozen...

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Sheriff: Intercepted inmate communique proves Santa Clara County Jail brawl was not clearly foreseeable
MERCURY NEWS, March 30, 2016 – Weary from being on the defensive and seeking to end speculation over a high-profile inmate brawl at the Main Jail, Santa Clara County Sheriff Laurie Smith has released an intercepted...

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Deputy union accuses Santa Clara County sheriff of leaking internal info to preserve political prospects
MERCURY NEWS, March 28, 2016 – Sheriff Laurie Smith came under more fire over her handling of Santa Clara County’s troubled jails when the union for her rank-and-file deputies accused her Monday of...

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Santa Clara County jail-reform commission urges scores of changes, including seizing sheriff’s command
MERCURY NEWS, March 25, 2016 – The jail-reform commission formed after three guards were charged with brutally murdering an inmate called on Saturday for Santa Clara County supervisors to seize control of...

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Santa Clara County Sheriff Laurie Smith calls for sweeping reform of troubled jails
MERCURY NEWS, March 15, 2016 - Sheriff Laurie Smith on Tuesday proposed sweeping changes to slash the use of excessive force and improve medical care in Santa Clara County’s troubled jails that go far beyond...

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San Jose State dormitory battering: Sentence of 30 days in jail or weekend work
MERCURY NEWS, March 14, 2016 - Two former San Jose State University students were sentenced Monday morning to 30 days in jail or weekend work for battering an African-American suitemate in their campus dormitory, while a...

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Santa Clara County jails: Sheriff’s camera-shopping expedition creates unexpected fuss
MERCURY NEWS, March 13, 2016 – When Sheriff Laurie Smith whipped out her Costco card and bought some jail security cameras recently after learning that a plan to purchase a camera system through official channels could...

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San Jose: Jail doors may be closed to blue-ribbon panel probing brawl
MERCURY NEWS, March 5, 2016 – Santa Clara County’s blue-ribbon jail commission may be shut out from the Main Jail before it can investigate a recent inmate melee captured on video, the panel’s chairwoman said ...

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Sheriff Laurie Smith lashes out at jail-commission head over inmate brawl comments
MERCURY NEWS, March 4, 2016 – Sheriff Laurie Smith is lashing out at what she called an accusation that an inmate brawl at the Santa Clara County Main Jail was induced to champion her recent decision to...

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Milpitas Post editorial: Study shows that Elmwood and main jail need outside oversight
MERCURY NEWS, March 2, 2016 – The most extensive set of interviews ever of inmates at Milpitas’ Elmwood Correctional Facility and at the main jail in San Jose absolutely rip asunder a culture of...

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Palo Alto police officers to start phasing in use of body-worn cameras
MERCURY NEWS, February 24, 2016 – As part of a national trend to bring greater transparency and accountability to interactions between officers and residents, the Palo Alto Police Department will phase in the use of ...

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Jury: No hate crime convictions in San Jose State bullying trial
MERCURY NEWS, February 22, 2016 – A jury Monday found three white men guilty of misdemeanor battery on a black suitemate in 2013 at San Jose State University, but did not reach guilty verdicts on...

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San Jose rape case: Jury hangs 9-3 for acquittal of former cop
MERCURY NEWS, February 17, 2016 – In an astounding outcome to a controversial case, a jury Wednesday failed to reach a verdict in the trial of a former San Jose police officer charged with raping...

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San Jose police formally adopt no-chokehold policy to alleviate community concerns
MERCURY NEWS, February 8, 2016 – In a gesture of transparency, the San Jose Police Department announced Monday it has formally banned the use of chokeholds to subdue a resistant suspect, a point of national controversy since the...

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Santa Clara County jail scandal: Two more guards suspected of beating inmate put on leave
MERCURY NEWS, February 5, 2016 – In a growing excessive force scandal at Santa Clara County’s jails, two jail guards suspected of beating a shackled inmate so severely that his jaw was...

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Residents critical of East Bay police board say cops have harassed them
MERCURY NEWS, January 31, 2016 – In this bucolic East Bay hillside town divided by constant political strife, residents have watched the local police board’s every move for years. Now some of them say they are being...

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San Jose jail inmate’s death due to natural causes, not injuries from guards, autopsy concludes
MERCURY NEWS, January 9, 2016 – A mentally ill inmate who died at the Santa Clara County Main Jail in September, a week after being forcibly removed from his cell by guards who shot him with plastic projectiles...

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Santa Clara County’s troubled jails: 22 jail guards fired in past six years
MERCURY NEWS, January 7, 2016 – Santa Clara County Sheriff Laurie Smith has fired 22 correctional officers and suspended 27 others in the past six years — numbers she told a commission studying the county’s troubled...

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Santa Clara County to beef up jail spending after beating death
MERCURY NEWS, December 15, 2015 – “For [the county and Sheriff Laurie Smith] to seek cover under the recession is shameful,” said Cordell, chairwoman of the blue-ribbon commission appointed by the county Board of Supervisors to study jail conditions and treatment of inmates. “This is about attention not being paid to officers running amok, writing racist texts and beating up people – and to inmates’ complaints. They need to step up and take responsibility.”

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Jail abuse: Santa Clara County commission hears complaints that guards retaliate about inmates who file grievances
MERCURY NEWS, December 5, 2015 – At the end of another week of shocking claims against Santa Clara County correctional officers — including an allegation that a dozen guards exchanged racist text messages...

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Racist texts at center of probe of dozen Santa Clara County jail guards
MERCURY NEWS, December 3, 2015 – At least a dozen guards in Santa Clara County’s troubled jails repeatedly exchanged racist text messages over the past year — mixing vile slurs with casual brutality, and even sharing images of...

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Santa Clara County: Sheriff pledges more jail supervision after ‘cluster’ of force complaints
MERCURY NEWS, December 2, 2015 – A group of newer, inexperienced correctional officers at Santa Clara County’s beleaguered Main Jail are responsible for an alarming number of excessive force complaints, Sheriff Laurie Smith said...

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Excessive force complaints top 300 in Santa Clara County jails
MERCURY NEWS, November 17, 2015 - Inmates in Santa Clara County’s troubled jails have filed more than 300 excessive force complaints against guards since 2010, according to a new report compiled in the wake of a deadly...

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Santa Clara County: Commission on troubled jails agrees not to disband
MERCURY NEWS, November 7, 2015 – The special commission appointed to investigate Santa Clara County’s troubled jails after the alleged beating death of an inmate by guards agreed Saturday not to...

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Mercury News editorial: Santa Clara County’s secret jail probe undercuts citizen commission
November 5, 2015 – The Santa Clara County supervisors have a hard question to answer Saturday at the first meeting of the commission they appointed to...

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San Jose’s successor to LaDoris Cordell looks promising
Mercury News, November 3, 2015 – Poor Walter Katz. An attorney following retired Judge LaDoris Cordell as San Jose’s independent police auditor is like a singer coming on stage after Aretha Franklin. How...

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Man was sent away by jail while trying to surrender for murder of ex-girlfriend
MERCURY NEWS, October 28, 2015 – On Monday, Hugo Ernesto Castro walked into the Santa Clara County Main Jail to make a confession. In his hand was a note disclosing the whereabouts of the body of his...

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LaDoris Cordell to head Santa Clara County jail commission
MERCURY NEWS, October 26, 2015 – The appointment on Monday of San Jose’s former independent police auditor to head a commission charged with recommending improvements to Santa Clara County’s troubled jails drew praise from...

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Mercury News editorial: Commission on jails after Tyree’s death needs a free rein
October 2, 2015 – Santa Clara County’s promised Blue Ribbon Commission to independently examine jail operations in the wake of inmate Michael Tyree’s brutal murder is in danger of becoming a...

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Santa Clara Co. recommendation: Bar public from testifying about mistreatment of inmates
MERCURY NEWS, October 1, 2015 – In a proposal that drew immediate condemnation, Santa Clara County officials want to bar the public from testifying about the mistreatment of...

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Dashcams are out, bodycams in at CMPD
CHARLOTTE OBSERVER, September 05, 2015 – The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department plans to phase out patrol-car cameras similar to the device that recorded the fatal 2013 encounter between Officer Randall “Wes” Kerrick...

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Shifting explanation of fatal shooting by San Jose police draws criticism
LA TIMES, August 22, 2015 – Richard Jacquez was already suspected of killing one man, had another potential victim beside him in the passenger seat of his car and was presumed to be heavily armed when he noticed...

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Mercury News editorial: SJPD killing leads to a real trust problem
MERCURY NEWS, August 20, 2015 – Two murder suspects killed by San Jose police in two days: Just getting them off the streets should have been cause for relief, given the viciousness of the slaying of Christopher Maxwell Wrenn...

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SJPD admits “waistband” error in officer-involved shooting
MERCURY NEWS, August 19, 2015 – The police shooting of a homicide suspect came under intense scrutiny when LaDoris Cordell, the recently retired head of San Jose’s Office of the Independent Police Auditor, filed a complaint...

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San Jose police auditor report urges more transparency at SJPD in wake of national issues
MERCURY NEWS, April 09, 2015 – In her final annual report as the city’s cop watchdog, Independent Police Auditor LaDoris Cordell has aimed her sights at accelerating racial accountability and transparency in...

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State ends secret hearings in police killings of civilians
SFGATE, August 11, 2015 – California will no longer allow secret grand jury hearings to determine whether an officer should be charged with a crime following the death of a suspect under a bill signed by Gov. Jerry Brown...

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Kim Kardashian Endorses Hillary Clinton, Discusses Caitlyn Jenner and Gun Control
THE DAILY BEAST, June 30, 2015 – The reality-TV star-entrepreneur sat down with LaDoris Cordell, the first black female judge in Northern California, for a wide-ranging conversation.

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Mercury News editorial: San Jose police can indeed do better in minority communities
May 14, 2015 – San Jose’s police statistics on racially disproportionate traffic stops are one more element in a tumultuous year for police departments nationwide. From officers’ tragic deaths to questionable...

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San Jose mayor wants body cameras for all cops by next year
MERCURY NEWS, May 11, 2015 – Mayor Sam Liccardo on Monday said he wants all San Jose police officers outfitted with body-worn cameras within the next year and called for additional new measures to monitor officers’...

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San Jose State sued for wrongful death in student suicide case
MERCURY NEWS, May 10, 2015 – LaDoris Cordell, the head of that task force, had previously said the circumstances of Tiggs’ death raised additional questions about whether the university is adequately safeguarding students who live in its seven dorms.

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SJPD data show San Jose cops detained greater percentage of blacks, Latinos
MERCURY NEWS, May 9, 2015 – Police officers here pulled over, searched, curb-sat, cuffed or otherwise detained blacks and Latinos last year at far higher percentages than their share of...

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8 criminal cases dropped over S.F. text message scandal
SFGATE, May 7, 2015 – The San Francisco district attorney’s office has dismissed eight criminal cases because they were investigated by one of 14 city police officers implicated in exchanging racist and homophobic...

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S.F. DA Convenes Three Retired Judges to Probe Police Department
SF NEWS REPORTER, May, 7, 2015 – The head law enforcement official in San Francisco is bringing in three retired judges from outside the city to...

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San Jose: Violent police encounter partially captured on video spurs outcry
MERCURY NEWS, May 5, 2015 – The cellphone video, taken last weekend, shows a disturbing but all-too-familiar scene: Police surround a man, beating him with a baton and fists. The person who posted it online added a...

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LaDoris Cordell makes a legitimate call for transparency
MERCURY NEWS, April 30, 2015 – Over the years, I’ve found plenty of chances to disagree with LaDoris Cordell, San Jose’s independent police auditor. The judge, as she is known universally at City Hall, is a woman of...

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San Jose: Police auditor wants more sunshine on internal misconduct probes
MERCURY NEWS, April 27, 2015 – The number of San Jose Police Department officers and staff members reporting possible misconduct by their colleagues bounced upward last year after

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San Jose: Auditor’s report makes plea to city to root out implicit bias in police work
MERCURY NEWS, April 20, 2015 – As Independent Police Auditor LaDoris Cordell prepares to deliver her final report, she hopes the police department will address a fact that continues to trouble her...

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Privacy and transparency issues raised over Santa Clara County’s push to get phone tracker
MERCURY NEWS, February 20, 2015 – Civil libertarians and at least one county supervisor said Friday the sheriff’s department was far too stealthy in its plans to acquire a portable cellphone tracking system, offering little...

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Calls grow to eliminate grand juries’ secrecy in police killings
SFGATE, December 14, 2014 – As thousands of protesters nationwide ask how a pair of grand juries could decline to indict police officers in the deaths of two unarmed men, retired Judge LaDoris Cordell has another question:...

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Internal Affairs: San Jose police auditor LaDoris Cordell calls for abolition of criminal grand juries
MERCURY NEWS, December 13, 2014 – San Jose’s independent police auditor has joined the chorus criticizing the grand jury process in light of decisions by grand juries in Ferguson, Missouri, and Staten Island, New York, not to...

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Top San Jose cops got freebie 49ers tickets
SFGATE, October 24, 2014 – The San Jose Police Department’s ties with the San Francisco 49ers once again came under scrutiny after it was revealed that two top police officials had accepted free tickets from

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Death penalty measure raises questions over cost, ethics
SFGATE, October 31, 2012 – Two supporters and an opponent of a ballot measure to repeal the death penalty in California agreed today that the capital punishment system is broken, but they clashed over the best way to...

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San Jose chooses new independent police auditor
SFGATE, April 14, 2010 – San Jose city leaders have appointed a former Superior Court judge to serve as independent police auditor. The mayor’s office announced Tuesday that LaDoris Hazzard Cordell will

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Palo Alto’s soul-searching over profiling
SFGATE, November 22, 2008 – David Dunnell won’t easily forget the time he was questioned by police in a library. Two years ago, he said, he was reading magazines in Palo Alto’s main branch when...

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Proposition 8 vs. black homophobia
SALON, October 30, 2008 – On May 15, 2008, the California Supreme Court ruled, in a groundbreaking decision, that marriage is a basic civil right guaranteed to all Californians. In a thoughtfully worded opinion, the...

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Plan would rename street in Palo Alto after the Kings
SFGATE, January 15, 2007 – Two Palo Alto City Council members want to rename a city street King Boulevard in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. and his wife, Corretta Scott King...

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Key council races center on growth on the Peninsula
SFGATE, October 25, 2003 – Peninsula and South Bay voters head to the polls Nov. 4 with an opportunity to help shape local growth in a region that continues to struggle with how much...

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A decade later, Hill’s impact is still being felt
SFGATE, May 19, 2002 – The image of Anita Hill beamed into American living rooms in 1991 is hard to forget. I remember Hill, sitting stone-faced before an all-male Senate Judiciary Committee. An obscure...

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Gloomy Legacy of Three Strikes Law / Documentary features the players behind the policy
SFGATE, May 17, 1999 – “The Legacy,” a new documentary opening today at the Roxie Cinema and playing at other theaters through May 29, is an exceptionally thoughtful, clear-eyed look at the stormy story of...

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Ex-Coach Sentenced for Sex Crimes / Man given 3 1/2 years, despite leniency pleas from many supporters
SFGATE, January 28, 1999 – A former Cupertino High School football coach was sentenced yesterday to nearly 3 1/2 years in state prison for molesting two teenage girls, though more than 100 supporters, including former...

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Her honor, the artist – Superior Court judge LaDoris Cordell opens her first exhibit 
PALO ALTO ONLINE | January 5, 1996 – "Chiaroscuro: An Exhibition of Works on Paper" opened with a reception; all proceeds from purchased works will be donated to the Support Network for Battered Women's crisis services for African-American women and their children.

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Enviro-law firm’s chairwoman resigns
SFGATE, March 28, 1995 – LaDoris Hazzard Cordell, who has resigned as head of the Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund, said she left because she felt the law firm was moving too slowly in attacking...

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First Black Leader Quits Sierra Club Defense Fund
SFGATE, March 28, 1995 – The first African American to head the Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund has resigned in a dispute over the environmental law firm’s commitment to minorities...

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